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Our eye care services

Eye Examinations

Choosing Contact Lenses

Corporate Eyecare

Dry Eye Consultations

Cataract Referral and post-operative assessment

Dyslexia and Visual Stress Testing

Eye Examinations

If it’s your first time having an eye test rest assured there is nothing to worry about. An eye test will help to maintain your vision and also help to monitor your eye health.

The eye test that we carry out with check if a prescription is needed to maintain your vision and will also check the health of your eyes and if necessary carry out any further investigations. Checks for conditions such as glaucoma and diabetes may also be carried out depending on your age and family history.

If a prescription is required it will be unique to you. The tests carried out will determine if you are long sighted (you can see into the distance but have trouble seeing things clearly close up) or short sighted (you can see things clearly close up but not so well far away). To find this out your optician will run tests such as asking you to read words and letters of different sizes.

Choosing Contact Lenses

If you have decided to make the change from glasses to contact lenses or are going straight for contact lenses we will be here to help you every step of the way from fitting to after care. Recent advances in the technology of contact lenses means that whatever your prescription there is almost certainly a contact lens for you.

Corporate Eyecare

Corporate eyecare is an eye examination tailored specifically for patients in particular working environments, such as working with a VDU – Visual Display Unit. If you like more information about corporate eye are for your employees please contact us on 01204 384318

Dry Eye Consultations

Dry eye syndrome is caused by a insufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye by the tear film. As well as dry or itchy eyes your eyes can also feel gritty, sensitive to light and more watery than normal. They can also appear red and vision can be blurry.

A member of our staff will be happy to discuss your symptoms and we will then be able to book you an appointment to discuss your symptoms in more detail can also carry out a full eye assessment. Your optician will then be able to recommend a treatment regime which could include ointment or eye drops leading to specialist referral for further investigations if necessary.

Cataract Referral and post-operative assessment

All of our Optometrists are accredited and qualified to test and refer for Cataract surgery with multiple pathways that will be discussed with you at the time of the appointment.

4 weeks after your surgery you will be able to book your post-operative Cataract appointment with us again during which the optometrist will:

•Examine your eye to check for any post-surgery complications.
• Provide information about post-operative self-care.
• Explain what to do and who to contact if your vision changes or you have concerns.
• Advise you if, and when, it is the right time to get new spectacles and how to do so.
• Help you manage any other eye problems.
After this appointment you may be discharged, or referred to a treatment centre for further care if it is needed.

Dyslexia and Visual Stress Testing

Visual stress and dyslexia can affect both children and adults and both conditions can cause reading and spelling more difficult.

People with dyslexia often suffer with visual stress but it can be possible to suffer with one without having the other.

Both disorders can include any of the following.

  • Distortions when reading a page of print
  • Misreading text or words being read in the wrong order
  • Words appearing doubled or broken in two
  • Words moving or jumping on the page
  • Tiring quickly when reading
  • Eyes becoming sensitive to light when reading

Research by the Medical Research Council and the Institute of Optometry has shown that the use of coloured overlays and precision tinted spectacle lenses can help these visual distortions, which then in turn helps progress with reading.

The correct colour needs to be selected to suit the individual. Tests with coloured overlays placed over printed text can be carried out by one of our qualified opticians. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.

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